Information on the Institution | Kocaeli University

Academic Authorities Information on the Institution

University administration consists of the rector, vice rectors, senate and secretaries general.

Prof. Dr. Nuh Zafer CANTÜRK

Kocaeli University Rector
Kocaeli University Umuttepe Campus
41001, İzmit Kocaeli TURKEY
Campus: +90 (262) 303 10 01

  • Prof. Dr. Elif ÖĞÜT
    Vice Rector
    Phone: +90 (262) 303 10 10

  • Prof. Dr. Ercüment ÇİFTÇİ
    Vice Rector
    Phone: +90 (262) 303 10 08

  • Prof. Dr. Ömer Faruk ÇELİK
    Vice Rector
    Phone: +90 (262) 303 10 12

  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa EREN
    Secretary General
    Phone: +90 (262) 303 10 15

  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. E. Mustafa Yeğin
    Assistant Secretary General
    Phone: +90 (262) 303 10 20

  • Aykut ÜLKEOK
    Assistant Secretary General
    Phone: +90 (262) 303 10 19

Rector is the highest administrator who is responsible and authorized for executing and developing the educational capacity of the university and the units connected to the university in a rational way and is also in charge of supplying students with necessary social services, and any security precautions in need. The rector executes and supervises the planning phases of scientific researches, education, training, and publication activities in accordance with the state plan, progress and principles. Rector is the highest authority in administrative and scientific supervision; in transferring the missions to sub-units, in checking the outcomes of the missions to be accomplished.

The rector being the chairman; the senate consists of vice rectors, deans and faculty members who are elected by the faculty committees for three years, and of heads of institutions and vocational schools.

Secretary General, as being responsible to the rector about the composition and supervision of any type of administrative missions, carries outs his/her mission by making the units under university administrative organization operate in a co-operative, efficient and consistent way in accordance with related laws and regulations and the decisions of board of chairs and the senate.