General Description

Bölüm/Program Adı Felsefe ve Din Bilimleri Programı Bölüm/Program Ad
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Amaç Felsefe ve Din Bilimleri Tezli Yüksek Lisans Programının amacı, din olgusunu başta felsefe, sosyoloji, psikoloji ve eğitim gibi beşeri bilimlerin ışığında anlamaktır. Bu doğrultuda bilim dünyasına felsefe ve din bilimlerinin tarihini, literatürünü, önemli temsilcilerini, usul, kavram ve problemlerini konu edinerek analiz ve sentez yapma, güncel problemlere çözümler üretme ve alanında müstakil olarak yazılı ve sözlü sunum yapabilme becerisine sahip bilim insanları kazandırmayı hedeflemektedir. Amaç
The aim of the Master's Program with Thesis in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Sciences is to understand the phenomenon of religion in the light of humanities such as philosophy, sociology, psychology and education. In this direction, it aims to provide scientists with the ability to analyze and synthesize, to produce solutions to current problems and to make written and oral presentations in the field of science by taking the history, literature, important representatives, methods, concepts and problems of philosophy and religious sciences into the scientific realm
Misyon Misyonumuz, sosyal bilimler mantığını kavramış, çağdaş araştırma yöntemlerini kullanabilen, din ile felsefe, psikoloji, sosyoloji, eğitim ve tarih gibi alanları bir araya getirerek disiplinler arası çalışma becerisini kazanmış, proje geliştirip yürütebilen, ilgili oldukları alanda objektif ölçütlere uygun özgün çalışmalar ortaya koyabilen, bilgiyi içselleştirerek kendini geliştirmeye ve erdemli olmaya çaba gösteren topluma ve milletine yararlı bireyler yetiştirmektir. Misyon
Our mission is to educate individuals who comprehend the logic of social sciences, can practice contemporary methods of research, have acquired the ability to work interdisciplinary by bringing together areas such as religion and philosophy, psychology, sociology, education, and history, can develop and execute projects, produce original studies in accordance with objective criteria in their field, who strive to develop themselves and be virtuous by internalizing knowledge, and who are useful to society and their nation.
Vizyon Vizyonumuz, bireysel ve toplumsal meselelere çözüm üretebilen, alana ilgi duyan en iyi öğrencileri bünyesinden barından, yürüttüğü araştırmalar ile akademik literatüre katkı sağlayan, bilimsel duruşu kültüre dönüştürmüş ulusal ve uluslararası ölçekte saygın bir bölüm haline gelmektir. Vizyon
Our vision is to become a respected department on a national and international scale that can produce solutions to individual and social issues, includes the best students under its constitution, contributes to the academic literature with its researches, and transforms scientific stance into the culture.
Kabul Koşulları Kabul Koşulları
Dereceyi Alabilme Koşulları, Kuralları Dereceyi Alabilme Koşulları, Kuralları
Program Genel Profili Program Genel Profili
Genel Bilgi Genel Bilgi
Mezunlar İçin İstihdam Olanakları Mezunlar İçin İstihdam Olanakları
Sonraki Eğitim Olanakları Sonraki Eğitim Olanakları
Mezuniyet Koşulları Mezuniyet Koşulları

Qualification Awarded


Level of Qualification

Second Cycle (Master's Degree)

Recognition of Prior Learning

Lateral transfer is possible for students of master's and doctorate programmes who have successfully completed at least one semester at another department of the same university and the same institute, or at a master's and doctorate programme of another equivalent institute of another higher education institute. According to the related bylaws, the courses that a lateral transfer student should take within the scope of 'Programme Adjustment' are determined by the committee of the relevant department. The determination of which and how many of the previously taken courses should be recognized within scope of the minimum course load, is suggested by the advisor and the committee of the relevant department,as well. "Full Recognition" is provided upon the approval of those courses by the board of chairs of relevant institute.

Kocaeli University guarantees in advance that all credits gained and courses received by an Erasmus student after the mobility abroad will be fully recognized and transferred into Kocaeli University system and upon arrival with the approval of the authorities and the student. While preparing the" Erasmus Credit Transfer and Grade Equivalency Table" the ECTS grades are transmitted to Kocaeli University grading system.

Turkish higher education institutions are in the start-up phase about the recognition of informal and non formal education. However; computer and foreign language skills that students improve on their own, are evaluated through exemption examinations by the university. Students who prove to be proficient in such exams are exempted from related course(s).

Program Competencies

  • Knows and explains the concepts of philosophy and religious sciences
  • Uses research methods and techniques of Social Sciences
  • Accesses and analyzes resources in Turkish and foreign languages
  • Gain critical thinking and analysis skills on philosophical and religious issues
  • Analyzes current issues from a religious-philosophical perspective
  • Conducts interdisciplinary studies in the field of social sciences
  • Observes social and scientific ethical values in its research
  • Expresses/presents findings verbally and in writing
  • Acquires communication, guidance and counseling skills on religious-psychological issues
  • Gains a sociological perspective on religious and social events

Key Competencies

  • The ability to transmit knowledge and opinions verbally and in the written form
  • The ability to evaluate knowledge and skills critically
  • The ability to work independently and to take responsibilities
  • Being inclined to work collaboratively
  • The ability to learn and manage to learn
  • The ability to use digital literacy skills
  • The ability to use a foreign language at the level of professional communication
  • The ability to adopt and obey the rules of scientific etiquette
  • The ability to take initiative and make attempts in order to turn thoughts into action
  • The ability to use the knowledge and skill of scientific research
  • The ability to manage and direct work
  • The ability to care for social and cultural values
  • The ability to use multiple perspectives on different topics
  • Mathemetical ability and the ability to use science and technology
  • The ability to self-express in the fields that could contribute to personal development (i.e. art, sports, etc.)


Temel Alan Program Yeterlilikleri Ulusal Yeterlilik Çerçevesi
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Kuramsal, Olgusal
1                                         1 BİLGİ
Kuramsal, Olgusal
2                                         2
Bilişsel, Uygulamalı
1                                         1 BECERİLER
Bilişsel, Uygulamalı
2                                         2
3                                         3
Bağımsız Çalışabilme ve Sorumluluk Alabilme Yetkinliği
1                                         1 YETKİNLİKLER
Bağımsız Çalışabilme ve Sorumluluk Alabilme Yetkinliği
2                                         2
3                                         3
Öğrenme Yetkinliği
1                                         1 YETKİNLİKLER
Öğrenme Yetkinliği
İletişim ve Sosyal Yetkinlik
1                                         1 YETKİNLİKLER
İletişim ve Sosyal Yetkinlik
2                                         2
3                                         3
4                                         4
Alana Özgü Yetkinlik
1                                         1 YETKİNLİKLER
Alana Özgü Yetkinlik
2                                         2
3                                         3

Course Structure Diagram with Credits

2024/2025 Course List
Course Name Compulsory/Elective Course Language T L U Course
9852004 EOD131  Seminar I Compulsory Course Turkish Seminer 0 0 0 0 0 2
5296001 FDB101  METHODOLOGY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES I (REQUIRED) Compulsory Course Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 4
Total ECTS credits for Compulsory Course 6
5296005 FDB109  THE DOCTRINE AND TEACHING OF ALEVİLİK BLIEF Elective Course Group I Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296006 FDB111  RELIGIOUS EDUCATION IN CONTEMPORARY WESTERN EDUCATION TEXTS Elective Course Group I Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296007 FDB113  VALUE EDUCATION APPLICATIONS Elective Course Group I Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296008 FDB115  PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT IN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Elective Course Group I Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296044 FDB133  METHODS OF WORK WITH THE QUR'AN AND HADITH IN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Elective Course Group I Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296002 FDB103  THEORIES OF THE SOCIOLOGY OF RELIGION I Elective Course Group I Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296003 FDB105  PROBLEMS OF THE SOCIOLOGY OF RELIGION Elective Course Group I Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296031 FDB145  Psychology of Religious Development Elective Course Group I Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296047 FDB143  RELIGIOUS COMMUNICATION AND PUBLIC RELATIONS Elective Course Group I Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296052 FDB151  HISTORY of RELIGIONS METHODOLOGY Elective Course Group I Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296054 FDB155  OLD TURKISH RELIGION Elective Course Group I Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296015 FDB129  THE PHILOSOPHIES OF AL-FARABI AND IBN SINA Elective Course Group I Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296048 FDB147  The Source Texts in Philolosophy I Elective Course Group I Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296014 FDB127  PROBLEMS OF TODAY'S PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION I Elective Course Group I Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296049 FDB149  Intorduction to Islamic Philosophy Elective Course Group I Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296042 FDB143  İNTRODUCTİON TO CLASSİCAL RELİGİOUS EDUCATİON TEXT Elective Course Group I Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296038 FDB139  STUDY OF HOLY BİBLE Elective Course Group I Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296032 FDB131  SPİRİTUAL COUNSELİNG I Elective Course Group I Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296009 FDB117  SYSTEMATIC PHILOSOPHY I Elective Course Group I Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296004 FDB107  DATA ANALYSIS AND SPSS APPLICATIONS IN SOCIAL SCIENCES I Elective Course Group I Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296053 FDB153  SYRIACISM Elective Course Group I Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296041 FDB141  JUDAİSM Elective Course Group I Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296013 FDB125  CREATION AND EVOLUTION I Elective Course Group I Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
At least 24 ECTS courses will be selected Total ECTS credits for Seçmeli Ders Grup I 24
Total ECTS for 1. Semester 30
Course Name Compulsory/Elective Course Language T L U Course
9852005 EOD132  Seminar II Compulsory Course Turkish Seminer 0 0 0 0 0 2
5296016 FDB102  METHODOLOGY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES II (REQUIRED) Compulsory Course Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 4
Total ECTS credits for Compulsory Course 6
5296034 FDB136  SAMPLE HİSTORY OF RELİGİONS İSSUES İN WESTERN TEXT Elective Course Group II Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296017 FDB104  THEORIES OF THE SOCIOLOGY OF RELIGION II Elective Course Group II Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296056 FDB148  EASTERN RELIGIONS Elective Course Group II Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296021 FDB112  EDUCATION AND RELIGIOUS EDUCATION SCIENCE Elective Course Group II Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296050 FDB142  The Source Texts in Philolosophy II Elective Course Group II Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296029 FDB128  PROBLEMS OF TODAY'S PHİLOSOPHY OF RELİGİON II Elective Course Group II Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296035 FDB138  CHRİSTİANİTY Elective Course Group II Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296043 FDB128  WORSHİP PSYCHOLOGY Elective Course Group II Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296051 FDB144  The Fundemental Theories of Islamic Philosophy Elective Course Group II Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296046 FDB130  RELIGIOUS EDUCATION IN ISLAMIC THOUGHT Elective Course Group II Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296045 FDB132  ISLAMIC EDUCATION THEORIES Elective Course Group II Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296020 FDB110  INTRODUCTION TO CLASSICAL RELIGION TEXTS Elective Course Group II Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296039 FDB140  STUDY OF HOLY BİBLE II Elective Course Group II Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296033 FDB134  SPİRİTUAL COUNSELİNG II Elective Course Group II Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296025 FDB120  RELIGION AND SCIENCE RELATIONS IN MODERN PHILOSOPHY Elective Course Group II Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296057 FDB150  MISSION MOVEMENTS IN THE OTTOMAN PERIOD Elective Course Group II Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296024 FDB118  SYSTEMATIC PHILOSOPHY II Elective Course Group II Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296022 FDB114  EDUCATION AND RELIGIOUS EDUCATION IN THE LATE OTTOMAN THOUGHT Elective Course Group II Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296019 FDB108  DATA ANALYSIS AND SPSS APPLICATIONS IN SOCIAL SCIENCES II Elective Course Group II Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296018 FDB106  RELIGIOUS GROUPS IN SOCIOLOGY Elective Course Group II Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296023 FDB116  EDUCATION AND RELIGION TEACHIN IN TRADITION OF TASAVVUF Elective Course Group II Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296028 FDB126  CREATION AND EVOLUTION II Elective Course Group II Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5296055 FDB146  NEW RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS Elective Course Group II Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
At least 24 ECTS courses will be selected Total ECTS credits for Seçmeli Ders Grup II 24
Total ECTS for 2. Semester 30
Course Name Compulsory/Elective Course Language T L U Course
9852008 EOD135  Specialized Field Course Compulsory Course Turkish Uzmanlık Alan Dersi 3 0 0 3 3 0
9852003 EOD137  Thesis Compulsory Course Turkish Tez 0 0 0 0 0 30
Total ECTS credits for Compulsory Course 30
Total ECTS for 3. Semester 30
Course Name Compulsory/Elective Course Language T L U Course
9852008 EOD135  Specialized Field Course Compulsory Course Turkish Uzmanlık Alan Dersi 3 0 0 3 3 0
9852003 EOD138  Thesis Compulsory Course Turkish Tez 0 0 0 0 0 30
Total ECTS credits for Compulsory Course 30
Total ECTS for 4. Semester 30
Common Course of University
Common Course of Faculty
Course of Program

Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading

The equivalences and coefficients of letter grades out of 100 points is as follows.

Score Letter Grade Coefficient Definition
90-100 AA 4 Successful
85-89 BA 3.5 Successful
80-84 BB 3 Successful
75-79 CB 2.5 Conditional
65-74 CC 2 Unsuccessful
58-64 DC 1.5 Unsuccessful
50-57 DD 1 Unsuccessful
40-49 FD 0.5 Unsuccessful
<= 39 FF 0 Unsuccessful
  D 0 Inattendant
  E 0 Incomplete
  G 0 Pass
  K 0 Fail
  N 0 NonAttendee ( Exams And Other Evaluations )
  S 0 Ongoing Study

Programme Director or Equivalent

Head of Department: Prof. Dr. Sefer YAVUZ | Sefer YAVUZ

ECTS Departmental Coordinator: Research Assistant Fatma Nur KALKAVAN | Fatma Nur KALKAVAN