General Description

Bölüm/Program Adı Biyomedikal Mühendisliği Programı Bölüm/Program Ad
Biomedical Engineering
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Adres Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü Umuttepe Merkez Yerleşkesi Eski İstanbul Yolu 10. km 41380 Umuttepe İzmit/KOCAELİ Öğrenim Şekli Tam Zamanlı
Amaç Biyomedikal Mühendisliği yüksek lisans programının amacı, -Lisans mezunu öğrencilere Biyomedikal mühendisliğinin spesifik alanlarında seçkin akademik eğitim ve araştırma fırsatları sağlamak, -Ar-Ge faaliyetlerinin yürütülmesiyle, yeni sağlık hizmetleri uygulamaları ve araçları geliştirmek için disiplinlerarası çalışmalara katkıda bulunmaktır. Amaç
Biomedical Engineering postgraduate program’s objective is to, -Provide outstanding academic training and research opportunities for graduate students in specific areas of Biomedical Engineering, -Contribute to the interdisciplinary studies in order to develop new health care practices and instrumentation with performing research&development activities.
Misyon Biyomedikal sektörünün ihtiyaç duyduğu konularda lisansüstü eğitim vermek, ve bu alanda Ar-Ge çalışmaları yaparak ilgili sektöre katkıda bulunmak. Misyon
Subjects needed to graduate education in the biomedical sector, and by doing R & D efforts in this area contribute to the sector.
Vizyon Biyomedikal Mühendisliği Lisansüstü eğitimi-öğretimi ve araştırma faaliyetleri ile ülkemizin önde gelen kurumları arasında yer almak. Vizyon
Biomedical Engineering Graduate education-teaching and research activities and our country to be among the leading institutions.
Kabul Koşulları Bir yüksek lisans programına basvurabilmek için; adayların lisans diplomasına sahip olması gerekir. Adaylar, ÖSYM tarafından merkezi olarak yapılan ALES sınavında basvurdugu programın puan türünde en az 55 standart puan veya Üniversitelerarası Kurul tarafından ALES sınavına esdeger sayılan ve uluslararası düzeyde kabul gören GRE ya da GMAT sınavlarından buna esdeger bir puan almıs olması gerekir. Yüksek Lisans programlarına, basvuru kosullarını saglayan adaylar arasından mülakat yapılarak güz ve bahar yarıyılları basında ögrenci alınabilir. Kabul Koşulları
So as to be admitted to the program, candidates should have a bachelor’s degree from related fields of study. The bachelor’s degrees granted from universities other than Turkey shall be approved by the Council of Higher Education. Applicants must get a minimum score of 55 from the related test parts of ALES (Examination for Academic Personnel and Postgraduate Education) or equivalent grade from GMAT or GRE exams, and a minimum score of 50 from UDS or KPDS (Governmental Foreign Language Proficiency Test of English) or an equivalent grade from TOEFL, IELTS, CEFLE, ZDF. Candidates, who meet the requirements mentioned above, are given an interview on the study field at the beginning of each fall and spring semesters.
Dereceyi Alabilme Koşulları, Kuralları Tezli yüksek lisans programından yüksek lisans derecesi alabilmek için adayların en az yedi adet ders, bir seminer dersi ile tez çalışmasını başarıyla tamamlaması gerekmektedir. Tezli yüksek lisans programının toplam iş yükü 120 AKTS’dir. Dereceyi Alabilme Koşulları, Kuralları
In order to be awarded a degree from MSc programs with thesis, candidates are required to succeed in 7 courses, a seminar and thesis study. The total workload to be accomplished for MSc programs with thesis is 120 ECTS.
Program Genel Profili Temel bilimler veya mühendislik alanlarında lisans derecesine sahip olan öğrenciler, yüksek lisans programlarında aldıkları dersler ile uzmanlaşacakları alanda bilgi dağarcıklarını zenginleştirirken, modern tasarım ve analiz yöntemleri ile alana özgü yenilikçi teknolojileri uygularlar. Bu programlarda öğrencilere, disiplinlerarası bir yaklaşımla, ilgi alanlarına göre enstitünün çeşitli anabilim dallarında dersler sunulur. Öğrenciler günümüz standartlarına uygun teknik altyapıdaki laboratuarlarda uygulamalı araştırma yapma imkânları bulurlar. Program Genel Profili
Candidates holding BSc degree in Basic Sciences or Engineering implement field specific, innovative technologies using the latest design and analysis methods while enriching their knowledge in their field of expertise thanks to the courses offered by the program. These programs in a variety of departments cover various courses offered with an interdisciplinary approach in accordance with the field of interests. Candidates are provided with the opportunity to conduct applied research activities thanks to the updated laboratories equipped with high standard infrastructures.
Genel Bilgi “Biyomedikal Mühendisliği” tıp ve biyoloji gibi yaşayan organizmayla ilgilenen bilimlerle, mühendislik, matematik, fizik gibi fen alanındaki bilimlerin birleşiminden oluşan, disiplinler arası bir çalışma alanıdır. Biyomedikal Mühendisleri görev aldıkları alanlarda tıbbi cihazların, sistemlerin, insan vücuduna destek olan makinelerin tasarım, üretim, işletme, bakım/onarım ve kalibrasyon faaliyetlerinde bulunurlar ve bu faaliyetleri sağlık hizmeti veren kurumlar bünyesinde örgütleyip yönetirler. Günümüzde, Biyomedikal mühendislerinin yüksek teknolojili medikal cihaz üretme, fizyolojik ölçümler için yeni ve verimli metotlar geliştirme, medikal veri/sinyal işleme ve analiz etme, yapay organlar geliştirme vb. uygun gelişmeleri sağlık sistemine sunma gibi sorumlulukları bulunmaktadır. Genel Bilgi
"Biomedical Engineering" is an interdisciplinary field of study which is a combination of fields like medicine and biology and deals with living organisms, engineering, mathematics, physical sciences. Biomedical Engineers work within their fields of medical devices, systems that support the human body, machines, design, production, operation, maintenance / repair and calibration activities, and they also organize and manage health service units located in various institutions. Today, producing high-tech medical equipment, new and efficient methods for measurements of physiological development, medical data / signal processing and analysis, development of artificial organs, presenting the innovations to the health system and the like are among the responsibilities of biomedical engineers.
Mezunlar İçin İstihdam Olanakları Biyomedikal Mühendisliği Bölümü Yüksek Lisans Mezunları daha ziyade özel sektörde tıbbi cihaz ve malzemelerin pazarlanması ve servisi/bakımı başta olmak üzere hizmet vermektedirler. Bu kapsamda mezunlar: Yapay organlar, kalp pilleri, diyaliz makinesi gibi tıbbi cihazların tasarımı ve üretilmesi, Hastaların durumunu ameliyat ve yoğun bakım sırasında izleyecek elektronik ve bilgisayar sistemlerinin tasarlanması ve kurulması, Kan analizi için gereken sensörlerin tasarlanması ve yapılması, Klinik çalışmalarda alınacak kararlara destek sağlayacak uzman sistemler ve yapay zeka sistemlerinin tasarlanması ve gerçekleştirilmesi, Ultrason, manyetik rezonans, röntgen anjiyo vb. tıbbi görüntüleme sistemlerini tasarlanması ve yapılması, Çeşitli tedavilerde kullanılacak yeni biyomalzemeler tasarlanması ve malzemelerinin kullanılabilirliğinin test edilmesi, Yaralanma, incinme vb. tedavileri incelemek için bilgisayar modelleri geliştirilmesi ve kullanılması gibi inceleme ve araştırmalar yapabilirler. Mezunlar ayrıca tıbbi araştırma laboratuarlarında araştırmacı olarak görev alabilirler. Lisansüstü çalışma yapmayı tercih edecek öğrencilerimizin, araştırma görevlisi olarak bölümümüzde veya yurtiçi ve yurtdışındaki diğer üniversitelerin ilgili bölümlerinde çalışma imkanları bulunmaktadır. Mezunlar İçin İstihdam Olanakları
Department of Biomedical Engineering Master's Degree Graduates are mainly employed in marketing units of medical equipment and supplies, and service/maintenance units in private sector. In this scope our graduates can work in the design and manufacture of medical devices such as artificial organs, pacemakers, and dialysis machines. and manufacture of medical devices to monitor the status of patients during surgery and intensive care, and the establishment of electronic and computer systems design, Sensors needed for blood analysis to the design and, in clinical studies to support the decisions made by the design and implementation of expert systems and artificial intelligence systems, Ultrasound, magnetic resonance, X-ray angiography and the design of medical imaging systems, the availability of a variety of materials used in the design and testing of new biomaterials, injury and so on. Development and use of computer models to study treatments analysis and research Graduates can also work as a researcher in medical research laboratories. Graduate students can also work as a research assistant in relevant departments of domestic or foreign universities while carrying out their studies.
Sonraki Eğitim Olanakları Lisans programını bitiren öğrenciler gerekli koşulları sağladıkları takdirde biyomedikal mühendisliği alnında veya ilgili alanlarda doktora eğitimlerie devam edebilmektedirler. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü altında Biyomedikal Mühendisliği Bölümü yüksek lisans ve doktora programları mevcuttur. Sonraki Eğitim Olanakları
Graduates of the program can proceed to their academic studies in the domestic and foreign post-doctoral training programs of various universities on condition that they fulfill all the requirements.
Mezuniyet Koşulları Tezli yüksek lisans programını tamamlama süresi dört yarıyıldır. İkinci yarıyıl sonunda derslerini ve seminer dersini tamamlayan ögrenci, tez çalısmasını tamamlaması halinde en erken üçüncü yarıyıl sonunda mezun olabilir. Tezli yüksek lisans programındaki bir ögrenci; tezini ilgili enstitünün tez yazım esaslarına uygun biçimde yazmak ve tezini jüri önünde sözlü olarak savunmak zorundadır. Ders planında belirlenen 120 AKTS yi başarmak zorundadır. Mezuniyet Koşulları
So as to be granted a degree, students should successfully complete the courses listed in the schedule together with 1 seminar course and reach 120 ECTS credits in total and successfully complete a scientifically valid master’s thesis approved by an academic jury.

Qualification Awarded

Master's degree in Biomedical Engineering

Level of Qualification

Second Cycle (Master's Degree)

Recognition of Prior Learning

Lateral transfer is possible for students of master's and doctorate programmes who have successfully completed at least one semester at another department of the same university and the same institute, or at a master's and doctorate programme of another equivalent institute of another higher education institute. According to the related bylaws, the courses that a lateral transfer student should take within the scope of 'Programme Adjustment' are determined by the committee of the relevant department. The determination of which and how many of the previously taken courses should be recognized within scope of the minimum course load, is suggested by the advisor and the committee of the relevant department,as well. "Full Recognition" is provided upon the approval of those courses by the board of chairs of relevant institute.

Kocaeli University guarantees in advance that all credits gained and courses received by an Erasmus student after the mobility abroad will be fully recognized and transferred into Kocaeli University system and upon arrival with the approval of the authorities and the student. While preparing the" Erasmus Credit Transfer and Grade Equivalency Table" the ECTS grades are transmitted to Kocaeli University grading system.

Turkish higher education institutions are in the start-up phase about the recognition of informal and non formal education. However; computer and foreign language skills that students improve on their own, are evaluated through exemption examinations by the university. Students who prove to be proficient in such exams are exempted from related course(s).

Program Competencies

  • Being able to apply the rules of scientific research and ethics.
  • Examining circulatory, respiratory, nervous, digestive systems by learning the basic anatomical concepts that make up human cells, tissues and organs.
  • Examining basic functioning mechanisms and their regulations starting from cell level which is the basic building block that makes up the human organism.
  • Examining the interaction of mechanical and medical science, applies science of engineering, in medicine and contributes to medical science.
  • Examining clinical problems related to the use of implants and offers theoretical and practical solutions for implant damages.
  • Applying the finite element method directly on biomodels by conducting biomodelling.
  • Examining the structures, kinematics and dynamics of parallel robots.
  • Examining nerve and the forwarding of arousal, stimulation on the basis of ions, types and characteristics of nerve fibers, muscle types and structures, and the transmission of nerve-muscle.
  • To be able to define the concepts related to biomaterials and the types, properties, application areas and limitations of biomaterials.

Key Competencies

  • The ability to transmit knowledge and opinions verbally and in the written form
  • The ability to evaluate knowledge and skills critically
  • The ability to work independently and to take responsibilities
  • Being inclined to work collaboratively
  • The ability to learn and manage to learn
  • The ability to use digital literacy skills
  • The ability to use a foreign language at the level of professional communication
  • The ability to adopt and obey the rules of scientific etiquette
  • The ability to take initiative and make attempts in order to turn thoughts into action
  • The ability to use the knowledge and skill of scientific research
  • The ability to manage and direct work
  • The ability to care for social and cultural values
  • The ability to use multiple perspectives on different topics
  • Mathemetical ability and the ability to use science and technology
  • The ability to self-express in the fields that could contribute to personal development (i.e. art, sports, etc.)


Temel Alan Program Yeterlilikleri Ulusal Yeterlilik Çerçevesi
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Kuramsal, Olgusal
1                                     1 BİLGİ
Kuramsal, Olgusal
2                                     2
Bilişsel, Uygulamalı
1                                     1 BECERİLER
Bilişsel, Uygulamalı
2                                     2
3                                     3
Bağımsız Çalışabilme ve Sorumluluk Alabilme Yetkinliği
1                                     1 YETKİNLİKLER
Bağımsız Çalışabilme ve Sorumluluk Alabilme Yetkinliği
2                                     2
3                                     3
Öğrenme Yetkinliği
1                                     1 YETKİNLİKLER
Öğrenme Yetkinliği
İletişim ve Sosyal Yetkinlik
1                                     1 YETKİNLİKLER
İletişim ve Sosyal Yetkinlik
2                                     2
3                                     3
4                                     4
Alana Özgü Yetkinlik
1                                     1 YETKİNLİKLER
Alana Özgü Yetkinlik
2                                     2
3                                     3

Course Structure Diagram with Credits

2023/2024 Course List
Course Name Compulsory/Elective Course Language T L U Course
9851251 FBE501  Scientific Research Methods and Publication Ethics (UE) Compulsory Course Turkish e_ders 3 0 0 3 3 6
9851246 FBE520  Specialized Field Course Compulsory Course Turkish Uzmanlık Alan Dersi 3 0 0 3 3 0
Total ECTS credits for Compulsory Course 6
9851252 FBE503   Engineering Mathematics I Elective Course Group I Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 10
5162012 BMM509  Modeling of Industrial Robots Elective Course Group I Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5162027 BMM506  Biomedical Transducers Elective Course Group I Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5162026 BMM500  Basic Mathematics for Biomedical Sciences Elective Course Group I Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5162032 BMM522  Prosthesis Design and Artifcial Organs Elective Course Group I Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5162017 BMM504   Applied Biomechanics Elective Course Group I Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
At least 16 ECTS courses will be selected Total ECTS credits for Seçmeli Ders Grup I 16
5162035 BMM505  Advanced Biomaterial Mandatory Course Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5162036 BMM503  Advanced Biomechanics Mandatory Course Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5162014 BMM517  Microprocessors in Medical Systems Mandatory Course Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
At least 8 ECTS courses will be selected Total ECTS credits for Zorunlu Ders Havuzu 8
Total ECTS for 1. Semester 30
Course Name Compulsory/Elective Course Language T L U Course
9851246 FBE520  Specialized Field Course Compulsory Course Turkish Uzmanlık Alan Dersi 3 0 0 3 3 0
9851071 FBE511  Master Thesis Seminar Compulsory Course Turkish Seminer 0 0 2 2 1 4
Total ECTS credits for Compulsory Course 4
5162003 BMM501  Anatomy Elective Course Group II Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5162020 BMM507  Bio Sensors Elective Course Group II Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5162013 BMM502  General Physiology Elective Course Group II Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 7
5162034 BMM523  Bioapplications of Hydrogels Elective Course Group II Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5162033 BMM521  Internet of Medical Things Elective Course Group II Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
5162022 BMM510  Medical Imaging Systems and PACS Elective Course Group II Turkish Teorik 3 0 0 3 3 8
At least 30 ECTS courses will be selected Total ECTS credits for Seçmeli Ders Grup II 30
Total ECTS for 2. Semester 34
Course Name Compulsory/Elective Course Language T L U Course
9851246 FBE520  Specialized Field Course Compulsory Course Turkish Uzmanlık Alan Dersi 3 0 0 3 3 0
9851139 FBE541  Master Thesis Compulsory Course Turkish Tez 0 0 0 0 0 30
Total ECTS credits for Compulsory Course 30
Total ECTS for 3. Semester 30
Course Name Compulsory/Elective Course Language T L U Course
9851246 FBE520  Specialized Field Course Compulsory Course Turkish Uzmanlık Alan Dersi 3 0 0 3 3 0
9851139 FBE541  Master Thesis Compulsory Course Turkish Tez 0 0 0 0 0 30
Total ECTS credits for Compulsory Course 30
Total ECTS for 4. Semester 30
Common Course of University
Common Course of Faculty
Course of Program

Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading

Evaluation and assessment is carried out basing on “Kocaeli University, General Examination Regulations for Graduate Degrees”. Depending on the nature of the course, various instruments such as; mid-term exams, final exams, projects, assignments, presentations, short exams are involved in the assessment process. The instruments and the dates of the exams are declared to the students upon the registry of a course. Please see the course structure page for detailed information about each course.

The equivalences and coefficients of letter grades out of 100 points is as follows.

Score Letter Grade Coefficient Definition
90-100 AA 4 Successful
85-89 BA 3.5 Successful
80-84 BB 3 Successful
75-79 CB 2.5 Conditional
65-74 CC 2 Unsuccessful
58-64 DC 1.5 Unsuccessful
50-57 DD 1 Unsuccessful
40-49 FD 0.5 Unsuccessful
<= 39 FF 0 Unsuccessful
  D 0 Inattendant
  E 0 Incomplete
  G 0 Pass
  K 0 Fail
  N 0 NonAttendee ( Exams And Other Evaluations )
  S 0 Ongoing Study

Programme Director or Equivalent

Head of Department: Prof. Dr. Yasin KİŞİOĞLU | Yasin KİŞİOĞLU

ECTS Departmental Coordinator: Research Assistant Mustafa ARAS | Mustafa ARAS